Day 12: Queer and born again

How is it that I can say that I am queer and a born-again Christian? Because Christ’s invitation to be reborn as a child of God is not an invitation only to a certain set of people, but to “whosoever.” This video is an introduction to what Jesus’ call to be “born again” means to me.

As I say in the video, there is more to the story. Many Christians believe that the Bible makes clear that homosexuality is incompatible with Christianity. But a growing body of theologians who have studied the historical context around the passages commonly used to condemn same-sex relationships have concluded that there is no broad condemnation of homosexuality in Scripture. But perhaps more powerfully, the testimonies of millions of LGBTQ+ people who have given their lives to Christ are a living testament to how God’s unconditional love and embrace break through the walls of homophobia and prejudice to claim queer people as just as much God’s own as everyone else.

If you are looking for more explanations of the various Bible passages often used to condemn LGBTQ+ people, here’s a fact sheet written by author Colby Martin and more in-depth commentary on the website Whosoever.

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